Yesterday I got a chance to sit down with the CEO of Oakland's Own and talk business, black ownership, and Oakland music. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Welcome to the inside of my head. Make yourself at home. Drop a line. Let me know what you think.
In the season Finale of the groundbreaking new podcast "The GhettoSun Times" Roger Porter explains why he thinks the Bay Area is hella racist and has a conversation with entrepreneur Justin Ford. Justin speaks on the birth of his clothing brand Oakland's Own, as well as the importance of going into business for yourself.
Yesterday I got a chance to sit down with the CEO of Oakland's Own and talk business, black ownership, and Oakland music. Check it out and let me know what you think.
On this episode my good friend Prentiss Mayo shares his testimony of being homeless and addicted on the streets of Oakland. We also talk about internet trolling, charging juveniles as adults and other hot button topics. All you have to do is hit the link below and press play.
December 30, 2011
Mixing it all in shows amazing resolve or rather one must show amazing resolve in order to successfully mix it all in. All of the fear, all of the embarrassment, and all of the weakness. Put that all on the stove, heat it up, and pour it in a cup. Don’t wait for it to cool down either. Just put it straight to your lip and let it burn your mouth.
That’s what good art is. Good art is irresistible yet painful and it is so irresistible because it is so painful. When something hurts so good one can’t help but to share it with everyone; “Have you seen that movie, have you watched that play, have you heard that song, when are you going to that exhibit? The one that almost made me cry. The one where the artist tortures herself for us.”
We suspend everything to be engaged. No time, no space, nobody else in the room with us. No clothes on our bodies, no make-up on our faces, and no lotion on our skin. No brush against our scalp and no comb through our hair. The only thing that matters is the only thing that counts. We see the projection of our souls against the wall, on the stage, or rattling the speaker-box and we remember that our individuality is not specific only to us. Our isolation has been connected to another being, and our overwhelming sense of loneliness has been transformed into so many brush strokes on an open canvas.