
A Conversation Between a Black Girl and a White Girl at the University of California at Berkeley

WG- Hey, hey [waves frantically in the face of black girl who is speed walking across campus]. Don’t I have that literature course with you?


BG- Yeah Professor Nanda’s African-American literature course, how are you?


WG- I’m ok. Kind of swamped but I guess that’s normal right? Ha, ha, ha.


BG- [Fake smiles]


WG- So where ya headed?


BG- I’m heading home.


WG- Where do you stay? I never see you in the dorms.


BG- No I stay at home. I’m from Oakland.


WG-Oh my god girl shut up. I’m from Oakland too. I’ve lived in Montclair like my whole life. Where in Oakland are you from?


BG- I’m from the East.


WG- Oh ok. Where? I mean I hear that part of town is pretty big.


BG- I grew up on Parker. Kind of close to Eastmont Mall.


WG- Eastmont Mall ewe. Are you serious? You mean over there by Planned Parenthood?


BG- I don’t know what’s in the mall. I don’t hang out there [Irritated].


WG- Well yeah there’s like a Planned Parenthood inside off the mall [laughing].


BG- Really? How do you know that? [Stares into WG’s eyes].


WG- [Stops laughing. Turns red. Is ashamed].


BG- Sorry but I have to catch my bus. See you in class [continues speed walking to the bus stop].